6.0.1 Update!

New jQuery for some bugfixes and a faster extension! Out for both the Chrome version and the Safari version!

Sorry for taking it’s been so long for the updates guys! It’s been a very busy end of the school year. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back into it soon, and I hope to have a Firefox version out sometime this summer, as well as announce some of my other projects I’ve been working on over at my personal blog, codysherman.com.

As always, Chrome users will get the update automatically, just click the Wrench then go to Tools, then Extensions to see if you are up to date yet. Should happen within a day or next time you open the browser.

Safari users, Safari’s default is that you have to manually update extensions by opening Safari’s Preferences, then clicking the Extensions tab. If you want your version to auto-update itself, you just need to check a box in the settings, as seen here.

And while this was a minor update, yes, it is already on GitHub. Let me know if you guys have any troubles, email me at: sttb@codysherman.com